Monday, September 29, 2008

In The Beginning

I know, I know. Can you believe it? My first blog. Crazy huh? I've always said I didn't have time to blog. But if it says I have a blog, and there's no blog, then that doesn't make sense either.
Let me establish something right from the beginning. The two of you who may be reading this may be wondering about the Blog title, "My Right Mind". Those who really know me would question any claim of mine to be in my right mind. My only claim of being in my right mind is the fact that they say that left-handed people function out of the right side of their brain and right-handed people function out of the left side of their brain. So there you have it. The only possible way that I could be in my right mind is the fact that I am left-handed!
You know my biggest fear is that I am going to just absolutely love blogging and I will become a blogaholic. Do they have a support group for that? Then before you know I will get involved in fantasy football, fantasy baseball, fantasy basketball, fantasy hockey, and ultimately disc golf!
I really don't have a clue what makes a good blog or not, but I am "in the beginning" stages so we'll see.
There are things that make you go "huh?" and there are things that make you go "wow!" I had one of those wow moments yesterday. Yesterday was my wedding anniversary and I came to the realization that I have now officially be married for over half of my life! Pretty cool.
So here it is. My first official blog. Thanks for reading, come back some time I may surprise you with another one. Crazy, I can't believe I'm doing this...